
WWF hopes to promote a low-carbon lifestyle to the general public and the business sector through the project “Sustainable Living for the Health of People and Nature”. The project covers four essential and integral parts of everyday lives – clothing, eating, living and commuting, so that the participants can understand their roles in practicing low-carbon living and instill behavioural changes as well as to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 through participation of the society.

This project is funded by the Sustainable Development Fund from October 2022 to September 2024.

WWF will continue the project in further mobilising general public and business sector to achieve visions and missions from various aspects.


  • To engage and encourage the general public, including the youth, university students and staff in small and medium-sized enterprises (“SMEs”) and corporations to adopt and actively practise a sustainable low-carbon lifestyle.
    To promote responsible production and sustainable consumption, energy saving, resource conservation through recycling and reducing waste and elements relevant to lower the ecological footprint of citizens.
    To explore and demonstrate how a sustainable low-carbon lifestyle could be part of daily life and the elements behind decision making and habits.
    To understand common barriers to a sustainable low-carbon lifestyle and co-create solutions with the concerned parties to close the intention-action gap.

According to the latest figures released by the UN Climate Change,the fashion industry contributes to about 10 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions – due to its long supply chains and energy-intensive production – and consumes more energy than the aviation and shipping industry combined.

We are now collecting the locations of sustainable fashion in Hong Kong to produce a map of the point of sales of sustainable fashion and essentially a shopping guide. If you are interested to understand more on sustainable fashion and how to explore sustainable fashion near you and thus ways to achieve a low carbon lifestyle, check out the recording of our online workshop

You may also reduce the Life cycle impact of clothing by learning about the properties of different fibres, cleaning and caring them properly. Check out the Caring Guide now to extend the life of your clothes!

Disposable utensils is part of our daily life. Despite of its convenience, we in fact disposed a huge amount in each day, and caused relevant impact to the environment. According to statistics in 2019, we disposed about 200 tonnes of plastic utensils daily.

Taiwanese drinks and coffee are more than popular in Hong Kong, however, “bring-your-own-cup” is yet to become a mainstream. We still have a vast amount of plastic and paper cup sent to landfill for disposal. In our project, WWF aim to deal with the issue of disposable cup through understanding obstacles that we faced, then transforming our awareness into prolonged “bring-your-own” habit.

Disposable utensils is part of our daily life. Despite of its convenience, we in fact disposed a huge amount in each day, and caused relevant impact to the environment. According to statistics in 2019, we disposed about 200 tonnes of plastic utensils daily.

Taiwanese drinks and coffee are more than popular in Hong Kong, however, “bring-your-own-cup” is yet to become a mainstream. We still have a vast amount of plastic and paper cup sent to landfill for disposal. In our project, WWF aim to deal with the issue of disposable cup through understanding obstacles that we faced, then transforming our awareness into prolonged “bring-your-own” habit.

We travel with a regular route to our workplace and school, and may visit to somewhere new and unknown when in leisure time, but how well do you know the community you live in or the new places you visited? Themed with Green Community, “Rolling-Hunting” challenge of WWF-Hong Kong allows you and your pal experience!