
早前我們舉辦的綠色鄰舍四圍Look 社區綠色熱點徵集活動,收集了不少社區路線 😎  大家可以將路線同朋友、家人分享!甚至自己組織社區導覽,一齊探索香港嘅綠色景點,令更多人有機會透過體驗我哋嘅精選路線、探索香港唔同嘅社區,重新認識香港嘅綠色元素!  召集環保探子!😎 一齊發掘社區中嘅 #綠色好去處!我哋正舉辦 #社區綠色熱點徵集活動,你可以參與並分享值得大眾認識、到訪嘅綠色好去處 – 香港綠色建築、社區環保設施及生態景點等🌱,學習欣賞香港獨特嘅 #生物多樣性 及生態系統。大家唔好錯過呢個集學習、交流及啟發可持續綠色社區發展嘅好機會, 幫助我哋設計社區探索地圖 Rolling-Hunting – Tsuen Wan District Rolling-Hunting – Eastern District Rolling-Hunting – Sha Tin District

Commuting and Health

In Hong Kong, the main sources of electricity and gas supplies are non-renewable fossil fuels, including oil and coal, whose combustion releases greenhouse gases and pollutes the atmosphere. The air pollution caused by burning fossil fuels tends to increase the incidence of cardiovascular diseases, asthma, lung cancer, and cognitive disorders. Living more sustainably, such as […]